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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

The Lost Boys 33rn Anniversary 1987 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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In November 2019, the Southern Poverty Law Center acquired more than 900 emails Miller sent writer Katie McHugh at Breitbart News between 2015 and 2016. The emails became the basis for an exposé that showed that Miller had enthusiastically pushed the views of white nationalist publications such as American Renaissance and VDARE, as well as the far-right conspiracy website InfoWars, and promoted The Camp of the Saints, a French novel circulating among neo-Nazis, shaping both White House policy and Breitbart's coverage of racial politics. Buy it : The Lost Boys 33rn Anniversary 1987 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

Witches With Hitches Halloween Shirt

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In the criminal justice system, Trumps offenses are considered especially heinous. In Washington, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Presidential Crimes Unit. These are their stories.It's not even hyperbolic. People like Stephen Miller, who crafted cruel immigration policies that led to toddlers in cages in actual fucking internment camps, need to do HARD TIME. Buy it : Witches With Hitches Halloween Shirt

The Beatle Abbey Road Moon Pumpkins Halloween Shirt

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Russia would at best refuse him entry. He's more valuable where he can sow chaos and confusion, and he can't do that from a cushy compound in Russia. Putin wants him to stay here and stand trial because he knows it will be a complete circus.Russia won't grant him asylum. He wouldn't be of any value to Putin, and it would unite the western world (which Putin has spent decades attempting to divide) against Russia. Buy it : The Beatle Abbey Road Moon Pumpkins Halloween Shirt

Sloth Running Team We Will Get There When We Get There Vintage Shirt

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Lol he is not showing up for a trial, he will never face consequences, he will flee to Russia and claim asylum while being supplied with food and underage sex slaves in an opulent skyscraper apartment in exchange for going on RT daily and railing against the Democrats and America and claiming he was unfairly chased out of the country illegally and is still president. Buy it : Sloth Running Team We Will Get There When We Get There Vintage Shirt

Black Cat Pew Pew Madafakas Halloween Shirt

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I want hearings, and I want them to be televised. Every single underling and relative should face the music. They will make the OJ trial look like a bush league soap opera. DJT loves ratings, and these hearings could go on for a couple of years with all the alleged malfeasance, and will entertain as well as educate. They will also contribute to the economy by being "must see TV". Everybody wins! Buy it : Black Cat Pew Pew Madafakas Halloween Shirt

Bluey I’ve Been Called A Lot Of Names In My Lifetime But Dad Is My Favorite Shirt

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The degree of radicalization of so many Americans at this point by the right wing media...I mean, we're basically half a step below non-hyperbolic, literal Christian Taliban shit here. How do we convince tens of millions of Americans that the rest of us don't deserve to die? They would literally watch America burn down if it meant their guy would win and the "right people" would suffer. How do you come back from something like that, as a culture? How can you come back from that, as an individual? Buy it : Bluey I’ve Been Called A Lot Of Names In My Lifetime But Dad Is My Favorite Shirt

Flamingo Behind Every Crazy Daughter Is A Mother Who Made Her That Way Shirt

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"Here. It's these 4 guys. They're idiots, they're making shit up. Here's their IP addresses we tracked to their houses, here is all of the data we found on their computers and in their houses. Here are actual photos and video of that pizza place with these idiots giving a tour, it's just full of pizza sauce."I just want the intelligence committee to come out with a massive ZIP file of every single piece of data they have on Qanon and just fucking dump it out on the internet. Buy it : Flamingo Behind Every Crazy Daughter Is A Mother Who Made Her That Way Shirt

Bigfoot I Wanna Be The One Who Has A Beer With Daryl Shirt

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 It really seems to be cult-like. It's terrifying, the irrationality- to the point of risking human lives. It's a phenomenon I've only seen in documentaries about Jonestown and Waco. How do you pull a loved one back from that level of delusion?You can't, because they willfully engage in further indoctrination. Your relationship eventually become full time trying to agree on basic facts, and on the rare occasion they concede a point, the next day they're back at it. Buy it : Bigfoot I Wanna Be The One Who Has A Beer With Daryl Shirt

Nice Beer Mein Durst Ruft An Shirt

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All three worse cases are barrelling right at us. Have actually started to roll over us. And I'm planning on taking our liquid assets and getting us the fuck out and selling our property to the fat landers that can't see the writing on the wall.Seriously. I'm having the weirdest fights with my husband right now. We live on a tinderbox in AZ, with absolutely zero way to survive if the shit hits the fan politically, environmentally or economically. Buy it : Nice Beer Mein Durst Ruft An Shirt

45 Years Of 1975 2020 Jaws Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Oh, and do implement a 10-25% tax on incomes $300k+. Make the wealthy scums pay the country back in social programs, education and infrastructures. Soo much needs to change its honestly a bit more scary thinking about because of just how broken the government actually is. Pain in the ass but gotta do the work. Your 2A... hopefully gone tbh. Shown to simply be an excuse for all the fun nuts to own everything they want. Didn’t protect anybody like the claims kept being made. Had your chance. Buy it : 45 Years Of 1975 2020 Jaws Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

Dear Californians Y’all Are Welcome In The State Of Texas Here Is A Map To Help You Decide Where To Move Shirt

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About the only thing which has been good with this administration is showcasing every single tiny flaw (and I’m sure a lot more behind closed doors). Enough with recesses, self pay raises and lifetime benefits. Basically gut Washington and redo everything that ensures America can actually move forward and never be subjected to this sort of incompetence and Authoritarian wannabe power grab ever again. Constitution be damned. It hasn’t protected anybody during this term with 45 and co and shown just how useless it actually is at this point. Start amending it. Pain in the ass but gotta do the work. Your 2A... hopefully gone tbh. Shown to simply be an excuse for all the fun nuts to own everything they want. Didn’t protect anybody like the claims kept being made. Had your chance. Buy it : Dear Californians Y’all Are Welcome In The State Of Texas Here Is A Map To Help You Decide Where To Move Shirt

Baby Yoa Face Mask Hug Aggreko Shirt

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Arrange something with the islands and whatever other banking establishment to stop allowing off shore accounts like that where the rich hide their money they just stole from the American people. Go after the Senators who blatantly and openly committed treasons. Conway, Barr, DeVos, etc... all held for violating Hatch acts and various laws as well as all those inside trading thieves which also includes some Dems. And begin passing laws quicker than one can blink ensuring another Trump nightmare never happens ever again. Buy it : Baby Yoa Face Mask Hug Aggreko Shirt

AC DC 47th Anniversary 1973 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Agreed. This time around, Dems should not just move on and sweep everything under the rug. As others stated, there needs to be a reckoning, starting with the 200k+ people who died by the time Biden takes office. Govt should take every single asset away from the Trump family and force businesses to pay back all those loans given out to others that was meant for small businesses. Buy it : AC DC 47th Anniversary 1973 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

I’m The Bartender I Have The Booze So I Make The Rules Shirt

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We need to get them on record right now with one simple question, "Do you support Donald Trump's policies and his character because you are being coerced into doing so in any way at all?" They'll say no because it's a political nightmare not to, but it'll be fodder we can use in campaign ads against them for years and years. Even when they answer that question, keep asking them questions to get them on record from multiple different political policy angles to make it clear that they support Trump by their own accord. Buy it : I’m The Bartender I Have The Booze So I Make The Rules Shirt

Nice Need Cakes Call Me Shirt

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The weekend before, I called up Jimmy and I told him 'Jim, we have to do this thing, if our nation is going to heal I have to lose.' and the next day he reopened my email investigation. Do you remember how I dropped by four points in one week? I had to do it Chelsea, I had to. And look at us now, how far we've come in the wreckage. We have universal health care, we have living wages, we have unions, we have a booming economy, and it's all thanks to me, Hillary Clinton, because I threw the 2016 election. Chelsea, come closer dear, I have to tell you something, I- I never told anybody this before, but Bernie... Bernie Sanders, he was my-" Buy it : Nice Need Cakes Call Me Shirt

LSU Tigers Lady Sassy Classy And A Tad Badassy Shirt

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"Chelsea? Chelsea is that you? Come closer dear, I have to tell you something, something I've never told anyone before, it's about the election. You see, I saw the problems our country was facing, the division, the distrust in public institutions, the fractures within our own party, and the rising tide of discontent among the people. I knew that no matter how good a President I was, I could never repair that, no, for the country to survive, the Republican party first had to die, sad as it makes me to say, America had to hit rock bottom, so I.... I threw the election. Buy it : LSU Tigers Lady Sassy Classy And A Tad Badassy Shirt

In Case Of Accident My Blood Type Is Mountain Dew Shirt

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I will only be happy if the reforms that arise from all this: are within our law enforcement agencies, who stood feebly by thorughout the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's while this career-criminal-trump laundered money for the Russian mob (and worse) and Not One Damn Thing EVAR happened to him. And then he became president. Buy it : In Case Of Accident My Blood Type Is Mountain Dew Shirt

Life Is Just Better When I’m With My Trucker ShirtLife Is Just Better When I’m With My Trucker Shirt

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I wouldn't say they all had a moral compass. Maybe just they realized that eventually stones are gonna be turned over in this most blatant scavenging and grifting operation. Others read the tea leaves and are going dormant until Trump is gone and the GOP regains some of its senses. Also, Trump is a devoted asshole and he'd just pester Paul Ryan for the past 2 years. Buy it : Life Is Just Better When I’m With My Trucker ShirtLife Is Just Better When I’m With My Trucker Shirt

Funny Harley Davison Pittsburgh Steelers Skull Shirt

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Ordinarily I'd say you're correct, but the GOP's power structure has lost control of the propaganda machine and the base voters are likely to simply reject anyone who steps out of line. It's kind of like Frankenstein's monster, in a way. They fed it lies to get it to vote a certain way and eventually it fully embraced those lies. Donald Trump came along and said the quiet parts out loud and suddenly he controlled the monster. Now Republicans don't know how to regain control. Buy it : Funny Harley Davison Pittsburgh Steelers Skull Shirt

Nice Wait A Minute Chester The Weight The Band Shirt

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I think also we need to go after the money. If they get to keep any of their ill-gotten gains, then it will be a trade off, how much prison am I willing to risk for hundreds of millions of grifted money? It has to be, when I get caught, I will go to prison AND have nothing to show for it.We need to torch the entire tree, not just the low-hanging fruit. Trump and every single person that has enabled him needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Buy it : Nice Wait A Minute Chester The Weight The Band Shirt

Good Not Your Average Cock Chicken Vintage Shirt

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If it becomes clear that Trump has no legal road to the Whitehouse and voters are overwhelmingly against Trump the Republicans will start jumping ship and throw Trump under the bus in an attempt to save their own asses. Do you think Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz are going to go down with a sinking ship? They'll turn before that happens. I would include Mitch McConnell but he's really Voldemort so he doesn't count. Buy it : Good Not Your Average Cock Chicken Vintage Shirt

Official Vikings Rune Compass Shirt

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All we have to do is get over this hump and there can actually be a long overdue reckoning. It's terrible that it had such steep costs, but if Trump hadn't come along and said and done the quiet parts so flagrantly, we might have gone on losing more and more for an even longer period, with many of his enablers dying fat and happy and never facing justice.That’s a very good point. Anyone with a moral compass has jumped ship or been fired. All that is left is corrupt sycophants. Everyone that encouraged and emboldened the destruction of America will be judged. Buy it : Official Vikings Rune Compass Shirt

Official Don't New York My Florida Shirt

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It's funny. He said he would drain the swamp, and even though he was lying about his intentions, his blatant misdeeds are bringing about a sort of inadvertent accelerationism, that amongst retribution for many other mounting conservative sins, will also very likely lead to the swamp truly being drained - him included.and i’m old enough to remember when the GOP refused to impeach trump, even though they knew he was guilty, because they thought impeachment should be handled at the polls. the entire GOP is a treasonous criminal enterprise. Buy it : Official Don't New York My Florida Shirt

Top This Witch Needs Coffee Before Any Hocus Pocus Shirt

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Trump is just a raging moron. Yes he should be punished. As should anyone that behaves like him. But Republicans basically created and still enable him. Their punishment and prosecution should be worse. As should any party that behaves like them.I’m all for this, but it should not stop at Trump. It needs to remain permanently to investigate all Presidents who skirt or break the law. We need to hold all executives accountable from here on out, regardless of political party. Buy it : Top This Witch Needs Coffee Before Any Hocus Pocus Shirt

Funny Hocus Pocus Dutch Bros Coffee Shirt

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There's already a crime for this that Trump's committed. It's called treason. And it's the ONLY crime specifically discussed in the Constitution where the relative part is that it consists of "adhering to the [the enemies of the US], giving them Aid and Comfort", which Trump clearly has done in multiple ways. The US Penal code clarifies that treason is by a person who "adheres to [the enemies of the US], giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere" and specifies that the punishment is at least 5 years imprisonment and can include death. Buy it : Funny Hocus Pocus Dutch Bros Coffee Shirt

Red Dress Memorial Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Shirt

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If Republicans want to cry about a partisan witch hunt, because they're the only ones being indicted, let them. Try everyone brought before the commission completely out in the open. Gavel to gavel coverage on every channel that wants it, and make all the evidence available for whoever wants to see it. When their true believers try to use armed rebellion as an intimidation tactic, charge them accordingly, and bring them up to be shamed like everyone else; no secret federal agents rounding people up. Announce their charges, and make the evidence against them, their arrests, and trials publicly available. Democracy, and the rule of law only survive when they are defended in the light of day, where there can be no questions about it's process or partisanship. Buy it : Red Dress Memorial Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Shirt

Official Flippin' For The Final Shirt

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Or maybe the laws are already crystal clear, and Donald was able to get away with all this shit because the spineless Republicans in Congress helped him every step of the way. In that case, I really hope they suffer severe political harm - i.e. get booted the fuck out of office - for being complicit pieces of shit.Or maybe the laws are already crystal clear, and Donald was able to get away with all this shit because the spineless Republicans in Congress helped him every step of the way. In that case, I really hope they suffer severe political harm - i.e. get booted the fuck out of office - for being complicit pieces of shit. Buy it : Official Flippin' For The Final Shirt

Good Horror Movie Character Dutch Bros Coffee Shirt

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Or maybe the laws are already crystal clear, and Donald was able to get away with all this shit because the spineless Republicans in Congress helped him every step of the way. In that case, I really hope they suffer severe political harm - i.e. get booted the fuck out of office - for being complicit pieces of shit.Flaunt their corruption and get away with it. What the shit is the point of things like the Emoluments Clause if someone like Donald can just call it "phony" and keep on profiting from the presidency at the cost of our country's well-being? Buy it : Good Horror Movie Character Dutch Bros Coffee Shirt

Harley Dvidson Horror Film Characters Jack Daniel’s Shirt

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Sally Yates for AG (though I'm sure there are dozens of people just as good if not better for AG under a Dem administration), but lets keep Schiff in the House because we need equally as competent people doing House and Senate investigations as well.But, all through the Democratic runoff, I was hoping to see a role develop for her where she could bring her vigor and shrewd intensity to bear on the traitors in our midst, like she did on Boofman Kav and the GOP enablers of Putin's mischief. I want to see her off the leash with frickin' lasers on her head. Buy it : Harley Dvidson Horror Film Characters Jack Daniel’s Shirt

Nice Donald Trump Racist Crazy Fraud Moron Stupid Shirt

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We're still sticking to the same script as if this has been a normal presidency. Impeached but not removed. Oh well. Guess we'll just have to wait a whole fucking year and hope they leave peacefully if they manage to screw up rigging the election they've had all the time in the world to rig.It feels like they are being this blatant and inexcusable at this point because they really seem to believe that no one will find out. It’s in the open because the outcome has probablY already been prepared. Buy it : Nice Donald Trump Racist Crazy Fraud Moron Stupid Shirt

Nice Capitals Lady Sassy Classy And A Tad Badassy Shirt

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What you said originally is 100% true and definitely needs to be the beginning of the political reform, however, we can't just make it strictly partisan to give the Republicans a reason to piss and moan about persecution. This committee needs to be permanent and selected completely independently of the executive branch and not overseen by anyone who could be appointed to render it toothless and have all the investigative powers necessary to bring charges upon any political figure who flaunts the law. Buy it : Nice Capitals Lady Sassy Classy And A Tad Badassy Shirt

Top Black Lives Matter Iviva Val Verde Shirt

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It'd be nice if that were to be a president's slogan. Sadly, we got "Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. And that one sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp." It's a bit wordy for a slogan.More than weed them out we need to change the laws so that politicians can’t get filthy rich and acquire money through illegal or just plain immoral means Buy it : Top Black Lives Matter Iviva Val Verde Shirt

Top Best Trophy Husband Ever American Flag Shirt

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In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban.For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. Buy it : Top Best Trophy Husband Ever American Flag Shirt

Don’t Mess With Me I Get Paid To Cut People Shirt

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This is definitely how I felt and still feel. I was always uncomfortable with rich career politicians being the spokesperson for the everyday people and only making policy to help people when they could use it to show off how charitable and caring they are, even though it was so clearly a hoax. I voted for Johnson since he seemed less angry and bitter than Trump, and was still an outsider in the political sphere. I didn’t really mind Trump because he said he was going to help the lower classes unite against the elite. Classism and racism go hand in hand in my opinion and I thought Trump could beat classism better than Clinton could beat racism. Unfortunately it turned out that Trump really was racist and none of his policies helped the lower class at all.... a true loss for the US. Buy it : Don’t Mess With Me I Get Paid To Cut People Shirt

Official Advocare Girl Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Vintage Shirt

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I was 21 and was tired of nothing but career politician after career politician becoming President. I truly believed that if Trump, someone without political experience, could become President, it would open the door for us to be more accepting of non-career politicians becoming President.I always believed that anyone could be President, and I always felt that someone further from the time-wasting BS that normally clogs politics would be more representative of the common American citizen. Buy it : Official Advocare Girl Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Vintage Shirt

Official Wrong Is Wrong Even If Everyone Is Doing It Right Is Right Even If No One Is Doing It Shirt

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Grew up in middle of nowhere conservative town. Took what my parents and others said as fact and adopted their political views. I never did my own research on politics. Since then I’ve met amazing people who’ve helped me see things from a different perspective. Now I see the issues with what I believed before. Happy to say that I do much more research and don’t just go in the voting booth blind. I’m now pretty far from conservative. Buy it : Official Wrong Is Wrong Even If Everyone Is Doing It Right Is Right Even If No One Is Doing It Shirt

Official Arbonne Girl Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Vintage Shirt

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"welfare reform" is dog whistle for racism. You can tell people all day long that realistically for every dollar they pay in taxes, less than a penny goes to welfare and they'll still scream endlessly that they don't want their tax money to go to welfare. It's just polite racism.You do realize there is an entire department devoted to fighting welfare fraud. And they are quite effective at their jobs. Mass welfare fraud is a myth. Buy it : Official Arbonne Girl Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Vintage Shirt

Official Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Jagermeister I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt

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I used to think Welfare fraud was a concern but then I thought about how trump had all these loopholes to not pay taxes... then all these companies have loopholes so they can make billions and trillions and not corporate taxes... but then people want to yell about welfare checks where as far as math goes , 100,000 cheating the welfare system for a few hundred bucks = just one of these assholes. So if the govt needed the money, youd think theyd go after the corporate assholes first. But a person cheating welfare to pay utilities and get extra cheese? Not my concern... Buy it : Official Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Jagermeister I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt

Official Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Fireball I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt

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Btw I was always socially liberal, I just felt like most social issues didn’t belong in politics. I’ve always wanted prison reform, equal rights for everyone but I’m realizing most Republican politicians do not want those things.I am less worried about my taxes going up a little if it means preventing a child dying from malnutrition. I am less concerned about making sure there’s no welfare fraud if it helps people that truly need it. Buy it : Official Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Fireball I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt

Official Rawhide 62nd Anniversary 1959 2021 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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It kinda freaks me out that I changed so quickly but I realized that they’ve been using brute force to do what you think is right despite what’s morally right or what the country wants is just plain wrong. I am less worried about my taxes going up a little if it means preventing a child dying from malnutrition. I am less concerned about making sure there’s no welfare fraud if it helps people that truly need it. Buy it : Official Rawhide 62nd Anniversary 1959 2021 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

Official OF Odd Future Shirt

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I was disappointed with a few things that he did here and there but I wasn’t that aware of the scope of some things so it didn’t seem so bad. Then Covid happened. He didn’t wear a mask until recently and suddenly many of his supporters became anti maskers. Instead of leading by wearing a mask and encouraging people to wear a mask, he continued to not want anyone to wear a mask at events. Then he started encouraging bad treatment of protesters. I literally went from a lifelong republican to a Democrat within months. Buy it : Official OF Odd Future Shirt

Official The Blue Devils 115TH Anniversary 1905 2020 Signatures Shirt

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I think most modern presidents have willingly said, 'man, best of luck, this is gonna suck for you.' Trump, however, has literally made it look like they had never done anything and cheapened their efforts to be the best for the country they could. So, I could see them having some resentment there.Until Trump I don't think Presidents could ever really feel animosity towards one another regardless of their political differences just because they're the only ones who really know how tough the job is. Buy it : Official The Blue Devils 115TH Anniversary 1905 2020 Signatures Shirt

Official Skull Fuck Diabetes Shirt

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I think most modern presidents have willingly said, 'man, best of luck, this is gonna suck for you.' Trump, however, has literally made it look like they had never done anything and cheapened their efforts to be the best for the country they could. So, I could see them having some resentment there.You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well. Your success now is our country's success. I am rooting hard for you. Buy it : Official Skull Fuck Diabetes Shirt

Official Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Bruce Springsteen The Cool Ones Still Do Shirt

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I asked him if he was happy about who won the election. He said "It doesn't matter if I'm happy or not. I hope every President is the best one we've ever had, that's just being an American."Until Trump I don't think Presidents could ever really feel animosity towards one another regardless of their political differences just because they're the only ones who really know how tough the job is. Buy it : Official Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Bruce Springsteen The Cool Ones Still Do Shirt

Official When It Hasn’t Been Your Day Your Week Your Month Or Even Your Year 2020 But I’ll Be There For You Nurse Shirt

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I didn’t agree with everything George Bush or Obama did it stood for, but I believed they were trying to improve the country in the best way they saw how. Trump seems to be only selfishly motivated and has made a mockery of our nations highest elected office.The underrated portion, and the portion I don't think many will point out, is how you mention that you believe Obama was at least trying to improve things. It is very, very difficult to get a Republican to say that under any circumstances. Buy it : Official When It Hasn’t Been Your Day Your Week Your Month Or Even Your Year 2020 But I’ll Be There For You Nurse Shirt

Official Wrong Is Wrong Even If Everyone Is Doing It Right Is Right Even If No One Is Doing It Shirt

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Another way that universal healthcare is fiscally conservative: it encourages people to get preventative care before their condition becomes serious. By treating conditions cheaply early on, medical resources are used more efficiently, and we eliminate the need to pay long-term disability out of the Treasury down the road.Growing up, my family was dirt poor. You didn't go to the hospital unless it was a true emergency and even then, you got driven in with the family vehicle and you got the cheapest service necessary to save your life. Buy it : Official Wrong Is Wrong Even If Everyone Is Doing It Right Is Right Even If No One Is Doing It Shirt

Official The Three Stooges 100TH Anniversary 1920 2020 Signatures Shirt

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From a purely selfish perspective stuff like universal healthcare is great. It directly saves money for basically every individual by cutting out huge inefficiencies from the healthcare system. Indirectly it also benefits you, the individual, since society (the economy) doing better is better for you.People need to understand that being against stuff like universal healthcare is just plain stupid. That or outright evil. Buy it : Official The Three Stooges 100TH Anniversary 1920 2020 Signatures Shirt

Official The K-state 125TH Anniversary 1896 2021 Signatures Shirt

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I'm fairly conservative and Trump has done stuff that I agree with but a few things have happened over the last 7-10 months that made me change my mind. His treatment of being impeached, treatment of the pandemic, his unprofessional online presence (I do understand that the online presence wasn't good the whole time but I stopped giving it a pass), and I realised that I am willing to pay more in taxes if it means more people will have life saving healthcare and places to live. Many of my friends are still very conservative and just the sheer lack of caring for people in need is crazy to me. I didn't agree with many of Obama's policies but I sure miss his professionalism! Buy it : Official The K-state 125TH Anniversary 1896 2021 Signatures Shirt

Official The Clemson Tigers 125TH Anniversary 1896 2021 Signatures Shirt

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But we also have a robust social insurance system for the poor, disabled, and Elderly in the form of Medicaid and Medicare. Each with its own constantly changing reimbursement rules so yep, there's even more jobs just to interpret these byzantine rules.So what we have is a system that is so bloated that its twice as expensive as any other country's system on Earth. Buy it : Official The Clemson Tigers 125TH Anniversary 1896 2021 Signatures Shirt

Official The Chicago Cubs 145TH Anniversary 1876 2021 Signatures Shirt

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I just started working in healthcare and its profits plus administrative bloat. There are so many jobs that wouldn't need to be a thing in a universal healthcare/social insurance system. Like there are whole departments where prior authorization forms are argued over (sent via fax, mind you). I often spend multiple days on cases because X insurance said it didn't receive the packet. Then they did but whomever received it was just having a shit day and denied it for a reason that was addressed on page 2. Then other times you have to submit a request over the phone and you're stuck in a 2+ hour phone loop listening to two departments of the same plan fight over who is responsible for a member's insurance. Buy it : Official The Chicago Cubs 145TH Anniversary 1876 2021 Signatures Shirt